Our Process

Our Process

Our process is designed to make it easy and convenient for patients to access medical cannabis treatment. Here's how it works:

Step 1: Book an Appointment

To get started, simply book an appointment with one of our doctors. You can do this online through our website. We offer telehealth consultations to make it easy for patients to access our services.

Step 2: Medical Cannabis Assessment

During your appointment, one of our doctors will conduct a thorough medical cannabis assessment. This may involve reviewing your medical history, conducting a physical exam, and discussing your symptoms and treatment goals.

Step 3: Medical Cannabis Prescription

If our doctors determine that medical cannabis is an appropriate treatment option for you, we will provide you with a medical cannabis prescription. We can also help you navigate the process of obtaining medical cannabis through a licensed producer.

Step 4: Ongoing Support

We believe in providing ongoing support to our patients to ensure the best possible outcomes. That's why we offer ongoing consultations to help you manage your treatment and adjust your dosage and strain as needed.